is there a back of your back...?

@yeontiddiez but they're very interesting, this is the type of info you can find in the dark web
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is there a back of your back...?
@yeontiddiez but they're very interesting, this is the type of info you can find in the dark web
is there a back of your back...?
@yeontiddiez but they're very interesting, this is the type of info you can find in the dark web
taehyung’s voice literally just calmed me- i have bad anxiety and it’s gotten worse especially at night and i listen to music to calm me down and help me fall asleep and i decided i need to have a anxiety sleep playlist and went through all my songs until i got to singularity bro i heard taehyung singing and i immediately felt at peace and i cried because i’ve never felt that at peace before that man’s voice is powerful-
hopefully depending on my brain cells i’ll update “notes” today lmao. also hello again :)
i’m not gonna be active for a while i just need to get myself together a lot has happened to day and it’s way to much for me to process and i need a time off i know it’s a very shallow explanation but i need to just breathe guys i’m very sorry guys ...
@yeontiddiez No no, take your time, we can wait. Please take care of yourself and rest. Your mental health is more imporatnt
“just wanted to say, if you feed off of asian culture and refuse to acknowledge all the racism and hate they deal with, you a bitch and you're the root of the problem. asian people aren't the butt of your jokes. they're aren't the "model minority" everyone so badly wants them to be. they deal with a lot of shit and it's disgusting how normalized it is. a navy vet was killed after a police officer knelt on his neck for five minutes. remind you of anything ??? he was having a mental health crisis and instead of helping him, the police assumed he was a threat and murdered him. an elderly man was bum-rushed when he was out taking a walk. he died from his injuries days later. a man was stabbed with a butcher knife simply because someone didn't like the way he'd looked at them. these sickos even set an elderly woman on fire. can we please NOT normalize this ??? this is racism. it's hatred. and it's stupid. please educate yourself on all the shit the asian community has to deal with. sign petitions (@/ nextshark on instagram is a good place to start). or for the love of biscuits, just PAY ATTENTION. call out family/ friends or even strangers when they say out of pocket shit. or if you yourself are an insensitive asshole, tAKE SOME TIME TO REFLECT. imagine if these people were your family or friends. have some empathy. if anyone ever needs to talk about anything—EVER—i'm here. always. we may have our differences when it comes to backgrounds and experiences, but at the end of the day we're all people and should learn how to co-exist without spreading hatred for zero reason. sending love xx ” ( i didn’t write this, @-imlaughing- did. acknowledge the message in it)
whens the "notes" update???
I love reading your stories
i’m pissed the fuck off. my fucking puppy just dragged my untouched chicken off my plate and oN TO THE FLOOR AND ATE THAT SHIT QUICK AS HELL LIKE WHAT TYPE OF BULLSHIT. IT WASNT EVEN LEFT UNATTENDED I WAS RIGHT THERE AND HE SAID “nur ne nur ne nur just gone take this yup zOOM” like the hell i WAS ABOUT TO EAT THAT
i went skateboarding today,,, i busted my ass twice T_T
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