
Pretty good news for those who know me from my dsmp stories!
          	So! I decided recently to start rewriting them, maybe changing the lore and a lot of things too!
          	So my book on qsmp will be on hiatus to prepare New chapters, re writing the two books and writing a story about dsmp again, a ship I really liked and still do!
          	You'll see, so for now big break for the updates!
          	Thanks to those who understand and send support <3
          	Love y'all and take care! <3
          	(You're loved)


Pretty good news for those who know me from my dsmp stories!
          So! I decided recently to start rewriting them, maybe changing the lore and a lot of things too!
          So my book on qsmp will be on hiatus to prepare New chapters, re writing the two books and writing a story about dsmp again, a ship I really liked and still do!
          You'll see, so for now big break for the updates!
          Thanks to those who understand and send support <3
          Love y'all and take care! <3
          (You're loved)


Sadly, today a few minutes ago I had a problem with my acount so when I log in it had deleted my whole second chapter of "You are all related" aswell as all my old stories. I'll take time before I post the second chapter maybe two weeks, I'll keep you guys updated 


Okay little update I've check and I got them all back! Once I finish Chapter 2 I'll post it on Sunday! Normally every chapter should be posted on Sunday and worked on the week! 


Here we go for another story no? 
          This one will be about Qsmp
          Specifically the french
          It'll be about their lore, and other things I will add in it. I might add some more things in their lore.
          Some events will not follow the chronological order in the story. 
          Exemple Etoiles' fight against the code in the coliseum might be before Roier's and Cellbit's wedding. 
          For those who will read it, have a great time to read it!


Hello guys, I'm here to announce a few things:
          1- My book "Your name is George?" Will stay unfinished
          2- I won't post anymore DSMP related books for the simple reason that I left the fandom
          Thank you for your comprehension <3
          Bonjour les gens, Je suis là pour vous annoncer quelque truc:
          1- Mon livre "Your name is George?" Va restez inachevé 
          2- Je ne posterais plus sur tous ce qui a un rapport avec La DSMP pour la raison simple que je ne suis plus dans cette communauté 
          Merci de votre compréhension <3


Everyone I'm taking a break I don't know how long it would be but I won't post anything on my story. 
          I' sorry, if you want to know the reason, it's because of my health, not physical but mental,
          Happy pride month (if I didn't already said it) ️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍


Je veux juste dire. Sur tiktok. Mettre un T-shirt pour Lindsay? Je trouve sa dégueulasse. Pourquou mettre un T-shirt pour elle ? Juste parce que elle c'est suicider? 
          Beaucoup de gens ce suicide tout les jours. Et ils veulent mettre un T-shirt blanc juste pour elle? Autant mettre un T-shirt blanc tout les jours. Pour toute les personnes qui se sont suicider à cause de harcèlement, violence conjugal,ect...
          Je voulais en parler plus tôt mais à cause des cours je ne pouvais pas. 
          Je trouve sa dégueulasse. Pourquoi QUE elle? Pourquoi pas TOUT les autres. Beaucoup de personne se suicide dans le monde. Et vous parler que d'elle? Je trouve sa dégueulasse. 
          Tout ceux qui ose écris une réponse pour me contredire, retenez vous. 


@ yes_imhere  Les gens font faire sa pour ensuite l'oublier 3 semaines plus tard comme la fille Lola ont la tout de suite oublié 


@Tenshiry Si ça te rassure 3 filles de ma classe pense la même chose :)