

          If you believe that you're right but still people criticise you, hurt you or shout at you, don't bother. Just remember that in every game, only the audience makes noise, not players. Be a player. Believe in yourself and do the best. 
          -> unknown
          P.S. Reread that please :)


          [ Spaced repetition ] 
          Having trouble remembering things? Memorise effectively using spaced repetition apps or flashcards.
          -> Mr. Google 
          Each one of us has our own way in memorising things. Thus, that is just a recommendation. If it suits you, then go for it.
          -> me


          Feeling sad after making a decision doesn't mean you made the wrong decision. 
          -> unknown


          Be open with your love and loud with your laughter. Life is so much brighter when lived genuinely ✨ 
          -> unknown


          If you feel like you're losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come. 
          -> unknown
          ❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘❤☘ ❤