Just a bibliophile who forgets to finish up stories
  • Poseidon's Cabin , Camp Half Blood , Long Island , NEW YORK
  • InscritDecember 24, 2013

Dernier message
yhanneh1828 yhanneh1828 Dec 09, 2014 12:43PM
@fireflicker13 sure sure no prob. :)
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Histoire par = Cianne Dyle =
The Story of a GodEater (GodEater Fanfic) par yhanneh1828
The Story of a GodEater (GodEater...
This took place 3 years after GE (GodsEater) Burst which is now GE 2 .. Lelouch is now on his 4th year in the...
ranking #4 dans la catégorie darell Voir tous les classements