
I'm so sorry y'all, I accidentally published the sonic fanfic ch 2 in the middle, apologies 


Ey my hoe <3


@ReynaPNG nothing much really, you? 


Hello all!! To be frank, I haven't been super motivated and thus, I've been super lazy in writing. Those of you waiting on a story to be published, I will update you on where I am within each of these fanfics;
          -Feelings: It's been a while since I've updated this one, truth is, I'm planning on rewriting the whole thing, though the plot will be the same, hopefully the story itself will be better. I don't actually have a plan on what's going on for this story, but I will try to maintain my stuff together and hopefully continue this story.
          -Fear is the heart of love: okay, I know there are a few of you guys who actually read and like this story, so I am definitely planning this one well. I am in the middle of the second chapter, but I'm trying to make it as long as possible to introduce many of your oc's, and a juicy build up behind it all. I can't predict nor estimate the time that will be taken for this, but hopefully it's here soon, because I'd like each character to have a build up, and not just there.
          -Promises: Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I hate the way it's come out even with all the time and effort I spent on the last chapters, so I might make a lot of adjustments to the story before getting an actual story. Yes, I do have everything planned out, like the events that lead up to the climax and the ending (there will be a sequel btw) but I haven't actually planned what I'm going to fit in between all those timelines, so just give me a but of time to figure out the next part. I'm pretty sure that it won't be out too soon, but hopefully not too much longer.
          Thank you!!