
Hey, everyone! A new chapter of Starscape has just been released. Do check it out! 


Thanks for the follow! It means a LOT! ❤️
          Oh, and would you mind checking out my story "The Survivor?" If you're not too busy that is... Thanks anyway!  


 Thank you! 


@LRandomStuff No, thank YOU for the follow. It means a lot to me. Sure thing. I'll check it out when I have the time 


Hey, everyone! Check out my newest work that I've just uploaded. It is a science-fiction story which contains elements from some of my favourite sci-fi TV series. Hope you guys enjoy. If you know anyone who enjoys a good sci-fi story, please share it with them. 
          On another note, I'll be uploading another chapter of Constantine Tan & the Tome of Thoth by the end of the week. Hope everyone will have a good rest of the week!


Hey, everyone! Catch the newest chapter of Constantine Tan & the Tome of Thoth. I do apologise for not uploading a new chapter for awhile or reading some of the works that I have to read. I've been busy. An update of Journal of a Teenage Wizard is soon to follow. Stay tuned.


Hey, everyone! Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I do apologise for not updating Journal of a Teenage Wizard and Constantine Tan & the Tome of Thoth. Exam season is around the corner, and  I'm busy preparing exam papers for my student. Anyways, I'll be uploading another entry for Journal of a Teenage Wizard later today.