
So…I have failed butttttt a Cho will be out next week my badddd


Hey girlie it's March but I'm still going to say it HAPPY NEW YEAR hope you well ?any plans in continuing the book?


 Aw girl thank youu. Happy new year to you too. I will try and write a few chaps to put out cause I do want to continue the books but life is a bit hectic right now but hopefully by this weekend I’ll have something out. 
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What’s homecoming like for y’all? Need ideas


Omg Hess my bad girl I’ve been so busy I’m so sorry
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@yktvlm We call it a Derby Day here but instead of football we have rugby. Can we get a chapter update pls my birthday is on Monday I'm turning 22 .An early birthday gift 
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Hey girl hope you well?❤


Omg u are so sweettt. I’m doing well. Just for that, I’m a make sure the chp out tmrw with a lil sum extra ;)
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