it's... not what it looks like. ( ayano froze, her eyes shifting towards the boy staring at her dragging the lifeless body of kizana sunobu. ) it's... ah... a prop, senpai.
( he turned his head away, lifting a hand to try and steady himself. he couldn’t do this. he shouldn’t have ever seen this. he /had/ to get out of here. )
you’re.. you’re /disgusting/-
( the words were choked out as he reeled, head pounding. )
/ @yancurses
( what was she supposed to do? he wasn't going to love her now. not after what he'd just witnessed. perhaps.. no, she /couldn't/. he was too dear to her. hurting him gave her the want to hurt herself. )
all part of the play.. i suppose.
( taro stumbled back, eyes blown wide. ) wh- what the hell is wrong with you?! is that a /dead body/?! ( he cried, his mind running miles. he couldn’t think clearly, panic rising. ) /props/?! she’s not moving!
/ @yancurses