
hey, ummm, i don't know if you are still writing any more fanfic, but i read your "The Royal Tutor " storys and they were awesome
          so i was kinda wondering if you could write a Licht x male character story.........sorry for the random request if you don't wanna do it...


             Licht casually flirts with the other boy( you can pick any name!) 
            he slowly falls in love in licht
            he has depression but it has slowly gotten better because of licht
            they start dating
            the boy likes physical touch
            even though licht flirts alot he is actually very nervous and sensitive
            they talk about it and decide not to rush things.....but then they kiss
            after a few weeks of dating they decide to take things further.....(if you don't feel confortable writing smut, that's okay, you can just suggest in the story but not have details.)
            that is a storyline that i just thought of, but you can change it or do something completely different!!!!!!


@garaofthesandvillage oh that´s oki, i don´t mind talking here :D 
            Licht is indeed tricky because he is so outgoing and is pictured as a kind of playboy but he is quite caring and hardworking. It´s basically his role as prince that makes it hard even though he is one of the younger ones... but that´s my opinion ehehe 
            Do you have any specifics on how you´d like the story to be written?


yes , i would be so grateful 
            if you want we could message instead of blowing up your conversation feed