
Hi guys, 
          	This will be a long post, I wonder if followers and mutuals remember me. I guess it’s a question that wont be answered, or at least I wont see it be answered. Instead of leaving you all in the dark I have decided to say that I will indefinitely be logging out fo this account. 
          	I was debating on deleting it all together but even with my horrendous writing people still read my books to this day so as a small thank you guys (I will never have enough actions to show how grateful I am to all of you) I have decided to leave the books and accounts here.
          	If anybody wants to adopt or be “inspired” by the books be my guest, all I ask is if you direct them to the original books over here, I obviously cant make you do it or not haha, but I like to think there is common curtesy in the world still.
          	Last but not least my reason as to why I’m leaving. I honestly loved kpop, hyper-fixated on it and made all these random little books that you guys see and know. But as the months pasted I grew out of this be all in phase, I still listen to some kpop here and there but its not my obsession anymore. I will miss my mutuals I use to have on here and I will forever be grateful for all of those but I guess you can say I will be leaving the fandom along with writing for awhile. I have no idea if I’ll be back or not. Thank you for those who read my books, and my mutuals on here for keeping me going I wish you all the best of luck on your books. Take care of yourselves alright? 
          	Well then, take care everyone! perhaps we’ll meet again in another world!


@yoo-tea All i can say is thank you for writing all these stories and letting them up, so i can read em again if im feeling down. Don’t feel too bad, you’re just growing up i think and thats okay. I sincerely wish you the best and i wont hesitate to say hi if i ever meet you again! <3


Hi guys, 
          This will be a long post, I wonder if followers and mutuals remember me. I guess it’s a question that wont be answered, or at least I wont see it be answered. Instead of leaving you all in the dark I have decided to say that I will indefinitely be logging out fo this account. 
          I was debating on deleting it all together but even with my horrendous writing people still read my books to this day so as a small thank you guys (I will never have enough actions to show how grateful I am to all of you) I have decided to leave the books and accounts here.
          If anybody wants to adopt or be “inspired” by the books be my guest, all I ask is if you direct them to the original books over here, I obviously cant make you do it or not haha, but I like to think there is common curtesy in the world still.
          Last but not least my reason as to why I’m leaving. I honestly loved kpop, hyper-fixated on it and made all these random little books that you guys see and know. But as the months pasted I grew out of this be all in phase, I still listen to some kpop here and there but its not my obsession anymore. I will miss my mutuals I use to have on here and I will forever be grateful for all of those but I guess you can say I will be leaving the fandom along with writing for awhile. I have no idea if I’ll be back or not. Thank you for those who read my books, and my mutuals on here for keeping me going I wish you all the best of luck on your books. Take care of yourselves alright? 
          Well then, take care everyone! perhaps we’ll meet again in another world!


@yoo-tea All i can say is thank you for writing all these stories and letting them up, so i can read em again if im feeling down. Don’t feel too bad, you’re just growing up i think and thats okay. I sincerely wish you the best and i wont hesitate to say hi if i ever meet you again! <3


hello! its been awhile. my mental health is better now and im almost done with senior year. maybe i can get a new chapter or two out for you guys c:
          anyone wanna catch up?


@yoo-tea hi :D Thank you for the reply, and ofc it's important. Best of luck! You take care as well~ (o・ω・o)


@ephemerui hello love! im glad you like the books. i have to graduate first but then maybe ill focus on getting a few chapters out. take care! 


@yoo-tea hii┬┴┬┴┤(・v├┬┴┬┴ you probably don't know me but I been a fan of your books for a pretty long time. I'm glad to hear that you are doing better and I would be really excited if you were to post some more chapters(ofc you don't have to since you probably are quite busy). Do take care ( ˙꒳​˙ )


Happy Holidays Everyone,
          I want to apologize first before I say anything. I have been inactive on here for a long time now. I regret doing that especially to everyone i kinda just abandoned all the sudden with no explanation. Please forgive me.
          A bad brain day turned into a week, and then it spiraled from there. Ive recently only thought about writing for a few days now. I don’t know how many of my followers will see this, I hate calling you guys my followers but I don’t deserve to call you guys anything special with how I treated you. 
          While here, I want to say thank you to all the people to dm’ed me asking if I was alright, telling me my stories were great, and just keeping a small light in the darkness I was in. I hate to say it but I don’t have any inspiration to write, I want to, but I simply don’t know what to write about or how to go about it. I’m hoping to stay this time, so for right now Happy Holidays. ❤️
          with care,
          yoo-tea ❤️


Happy Holidays to you tooo! <3


corona virus is making our schools shut down thursday, hopefully then i’ll be able to update once this year c: 
          for real though guys stay safe and wash your hands, don’t touch your face and keep personal space. love you all ❤️