
Hi, I’ve been gone a long time. Since then I’ve gained like… actual views and some followers. I’ve even been offered a writing contract. I’ve been through a lot these last two years and in all honesty I haven’t written much. But I want that to change! I’m ready to write again and he inspired again. I’d love recommendations if anyone takes the time to read all this. Love you all :) 


Your back!! How’s the last two years been for you?? I loved your Choni book and I was sad when you stopped writing.


Hi, I’ve been gone a long time. Since then I’ve gained like… actual views and some followers. I’ve even been offered a writing contract. I’ve been through a lot these last two years and in all honesty I haven’t written much. But I want that to change! I’m ready to write again and he inspired again. I’d love recommendations if anyone takes the time to read all this. Love you all :) 


Your back!! How’s the last two years been for you?? I loved your Choni book and I was sad when you stopped writing.