Sometimes, it’s better to find yourself than find others.
If people are trying to keep you from finding yourself, let them go.
It may hurt, but not as much as it will when you still don’t know your true self in the future…
Also, check up time! :D
How was your day today? Mine was pretty great, I’m currently sleeping in a tent over at a friends house!
Anyway, have you eaten today, drunk anything, gotten enough sleep and performed some basic hygiene? If yes to all of those, congratulations! You’ve done them all, even better if you got some things you wanted to do done today.
You’ve done some? Amazing! Even if you haven’t done them all, it doesn’t matter. Baby steps, one day you’ll be doing them all without even thinking or worrying :)
No? Don’t panic! There’s always new opportunities appearing, whether it be right now, tomorrow, or somewhere in the near future. Although, please do try to drink and eat something if you haven’t- unless there’s a medical reason, it’s currently 2am, you’re trapped in some basement, or you simply can’t right now - it would mean the world to me.
By the way, please remember that my dm’s and conversation board are/is always open, so if you want some help with a difficult situation (I’ll try my best), want to badly crack a joke, need someone to vent to or simply want to tell me about your day, feel free to do so :D
Have an amazing day tomorrow <3