@yoshixsss there's a conclusion to this paragraph at the bottom of this message.
WOAHHH UR BACK OMG!!! anyways, if you want to re-write it then do so. i feel like the main reason i dont write memorial anymore is because i had a lot of could do with the story but just ended up scrapping mid way through. if i just decided to rewrite the entire thing i would've gone a lot farther with the book because i would've enjoyed how the body of work was as a whole, rather than the pile of rubbish that happened. sometimes you may feel as if it's a struggle to just rewrite the entire thing because the shitty chapters are done, why would i want to re-do this? but if you don't spiral, great!
conclusion: if you want to, and if that motivates you to write more because you feel better about it, rewrite it! sometimes it could be a drag though. also, welcome back!!