
Tell me why Spotify adverts are turning into ASMR. The marshmallow Rice Krispie treats or that one coke advert comes over and it’s so irritating especially cause I have such an issue with loud eating so it’s just weird how they’ve all become this ASMR stuff


@youandmehavehistory I also have issues with eating and my sister eats real loud


Tell me why Spotify adverts are turning into ASMR. The marshmallow Rice Krispie treats or that one coke advert comes over and it’s so irritating especially cause I have such an issue with loud eating so it’s just weird how they’ve all become this ASMR stuff


@youandmehavehistory I also have issues with eating and my sister eats real loud


Are you a directioner? Your UN and the "You&Eye" kinda imply it


@youandmehavehistory, I want him Sunday, part of the divorce settlement


Is it bad that I like Andrew, Tobey and Tom but I freaking hate Peter when it comes to fanfics-
          Like if I want a group chat fic that’s centred around Bucky or Wanda or smth, they’re always about Peter! And at first I didn’t mind cause I liked Peter but now it’s like he’s “overrated” like he’s not a bad character but he’s just always there. 
          Even in freaking Defenders fics, I’ll be trying to find some and all of a sudden in the character lists they’ll be “Peter Parker” and I’m like ???
          When has he interacted with The Defenders? Sure, Matt was his lawyer but he doesn’t know that’s he’s Daredevil or that he works with Jessica, Luke and Danny. 
          I’m probably being over dramatic but I just want a fic with the defenders, and freaking peters always there  (that’s a sobbing emoji if it doesn’t show) 
          This is just me ranting but the kids everywhere and it’s scary-


I’m trying to get into the Netflix marvel shows such as daredevil and the defenders etc. 
          (Not helpful that they got taken off of Netflix today and all of the series have episodes nearly an hour long so I couldn’t binge all of them over the weekend)
          And I want to write a Oneshots about if they avengers and the defenders met, but sorta like how some of the guardians met Tony, Strange and Peter. 
          Like the four defenders fighting the avengers (thinking after civil war like with Bucky, Rhodes, Sam, Wanda, Thor and Bruce and the obvious others) and then eventually either like Luke or Jess, maybe even Tony, saying “Ok, let’s just talk cause we don’t even know each other.” Or smth. 
          But, like, before I knew the others I started glazing over Daredevil so out of all of them he’s my favourite and where my angsty mind goes to *insert laughing emoji cause Wattpad sometimes doesn’t show them* 
          Like him fighting Sam or Bucky, then Tony noticing and analysing him and realising he’s blind and has heightened senses so gets Rhodey to use the thing he used on Wanda in Civil War and then like after the other three noticing Luke stands in front of him to block him from any bullets or arrows and Danny hits Rhodey with his fist and knocks him away. 
          And Ms. Jessica Jones? I feel like Wanda and Nat would be fighting against her and then Wanda goes into her mind and brings back a bad memory, like she did in AoU and that gets Jess down but then it’s like Luke and Danny protecting the other two and then the fighting would stop Y’know? 
          When the shows come to Disney+, in the UK, I’ll watch them and get back to this idea after getting a bigger idea on their characters. 
          But yeah, I really need to watch these shows in canon order and analyse the heck out of them cause I need some thing to look forward to after school ends-


Idk if anyone’s mentioned this before but here:
          18 by one direction- cute love song, about loving someone since they were 18 and always being their for them
          18 by 5sos- wishing they were 18 so they can duck someone, having noodles on their computer of a girl, using a fake ID to get into a club
          I just find it funny  


Ok I just need to vent:
          I want to break up with my gf but I don’t want people to start to hate me cause I have no other reason except that I’m just not doing good in the moment and I don’t even know if I feel a love for her or even anyone and I’m just too stressed and confused. 
          This is bad to ask for advice from people who just want to read fanfiction or books but what the heck do I do :’)


@youandmehavehistory just be honest with them


you could just tell them that, or that you don’t want to drag them down with you. talk about how you can’t be in a healthy relationship with someone when you feel how you do at the moment


Is it bad that I feel like Johnny from sing is the youngest? Like I feel in the first movie he was like 15 and Meena had just turned 16 while Ash was like 18/19. 
          And before anyone says “but his dad was teaching him how to drive!” His dad was (keyword was) a criminal, I don’t think he’d care that his son shouldn’t be driving at that age. Probably used the “he’ll be 16 in five months” excuse  (if it doesn’t show up I did try to put a laughing emoji there)
          Anyways, idk he just acts like a child that needs to please his father at all cost and beats himself up about it when he disappoints him ✨✨(glitter emojis there if they didn’t show up)