
hi hi hi! i'm alive! (: gonna update super soon- currently cleaning up the chapters i already have a little bit to fit my plot more. don't mind me, but be ready (: 


thank you so much, Jonghyun, for everything you've done for me and your shawols. thank you so much for never being afraid to tell people how you feel. thank you so much for being the best lead vocal. thank you for living for so long, for us. i understand that it was your time. i respect you. but i do miss you. thank you. you did so well in your life. youve done so well.  


ok so the next chap won't be out in a cool minute depending on the amount of sleep i'm tryna get before my PSAT but lemme tell you I have it more than half way done i'm just tryna make it pretty for you guys. I promise i'll treat y'all better during times like fall break and thanksgiving break. Also you should know that i have an idea for a new fanfic (multiple ideas actually) but i'm waiting to release it until i'm feeling confident. but i'm pre-writing that too