
Hello! so i have my last exam tomorrow (praise the lord) and i got a new laptop and that means i am going to start writing again! i have a few ideas so i think i'm going to write a chapter tomorrow night and see where it goes from there :)) <3 


Right then,i'm going to try and update later because i can;t keep you waiting more than 2 weeks for an update... also i apologize to anyone who thinks that i haven't read their new updates but honestly i just haven't had the time. I normally read in bed and i'm just too tired :( I'll comment on every chapter to make to up to you guys :) And keep your eyes peeled for an update!! <3 


Right,I promise that tomorrow there will be an update. I just looked and I haven't since 27th January! Why haven't I? But I've finally broken up for half term and hopefully I'll be able to get the next couple of chapters written this week but seriously I have so much work to do :( I'll put up chapter 38 tomorrow and try and get a couple more written :) Also I never mentioned I got to 6000 reads somehow? Well I've got loads more now (somehow) but it still confuses me why people read it so much! Finally I'd just like to say thank you for staying with me because I haven't updated for so long and the number of reads I've got is mental <3


Firstly I'm sorry that I haven't updated yet but, like I always say, I'm completely stuck with school work and revision. Honestly it took me 12 hours to do biology notes and 56 cards for one section so I'm really sorry. I've written half of the next chapter and I'll try and finish that for tonight once I've just finished my homework but I have a maths test as well :( I give permission for you all to hate me now, sorry <3 


OH MY GOD I JUST READ 5000 READS!!!! WOWOWOWOW!!! *happy dance* I honestly never thought you'd all read this like you have and thank you for that, it means a lot :) I hope you're all still enjoying it as well :D I really appreciate all the lovely comments you all always leave me and the votes I get. Again, thank you <3