
@sinkinsamman Anytime :) its a great story xx


Heeeyy, I'm glad to see you're just busy and didn't just dissapear on me here, because that would have been tragic. x3
          I see what you mean though, I took a writing hiatus for a month or two earlier this year because I was just /so/ stressed and busy. I hope you're trip was fun and everything is well in your world.
          My life is fine, thank you for asking. I've been preparing for tryouts for soccer and things, actually kind of boring but hey, that's me. xD
          Haha don't worry about it, if you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time to read. I won't blame you for that, I'm not ever going to try to force/pressure you or anyone to read my stories because if they're busy or just don't want to read them, then I won't stop them from doing other things. x3
          Well, I hope you'll be able to come on a bit. Congrats on being busy/productive and things, unlike myself. Haha. And if that sounds sarcastic, it's not, I promise, lol.


Awww that sounds fun and congrats!
          It snowed here too, and even though the snow is nice, it's not good for soccer season so I'm not extremely excited about it.
          Have fun in New Jersey though! And haha I care. :3
          Snow is very pretty and bye. xD


{ about the switching the niall + louis fics ]
          oh because, i had this major epiphany yesterday and realised that freedom [which the plotline slightly tweaked] would work as a niall fic better and i'd be more inspired and whatnot and that 'studio five' [which is what i am renaming 'studio' would work so much better as a louis fic because of the majority of reasons that led to my epiphany. i dunno if i should DEFINITELY do it though. thoughts?
          [since freedom is YOUR story :3]


Ahh okay. Makes sense. xD
          I've always wanted to go to NYC, I've driven through the state before but I've never seen the city.
          Well, you should tell me how it is haha.
          I love Barnes as Noble, I actually went there just last week. :)
          Yaaayy, awesome. I'm not even close to reading all of te updates in the stories in my library, it's kind of sad. x3