
Okay so bad news…like REALLY BAD NEWS. My mom found out that I had Wattpad, she didn’t look at my account though..She didn’t say anything about it (prolly because I’m in a creative writing club for school and I mentioned that we(the club) were going to use it as a writing platform). My mom KNOWS it’s a fan fiction/reading app, and knowing that SHE knows that this app is mainly for fanfiction and that I HAVE IT makes me feel icky and kinda judged..? 
          	I’m probably just going to delete the app off my phone- this is me basically quitting (at least temporarily), for the embarrassing reason of my mom finding out I read and possibly finding out that I’m writing fanfiction, the fact that I never upload anymore because I’m just SO BUSY, and I clearly didn’t learn my lesson from my first of writing a book only to quit barely even halfway through. 
          	I have other social medias (twitter/x and TikTok) that are all linked in my description and if they aren’t I’ll put them there in case you would like to keep contact! 


Yes, just temporary be off of here for your own safety. We’ll miss you, I have like TikTok only, but hopefully soon, we’ll talk again. Luv you <333


Okay so bad news…like REALLY BAD NEWS. My mom found out that I had Wattpad, she didn’t look at my account though..She didn’t say anything about it (prolly because I’m in a creative writing club for school and I mentioned that we(the club) were going to use it as a writing platform). My mom KNOWS it’s a fan fiction/reading app, and knowing that SHE knows that this app is mainly for fanfiction and that I HAVE IT makes me feel icky and kinda judged..? 
          I’m probably just going to delete the app off my phone- this is me basically quitting (at least temporarily), for the embarrassing reason of my mom finding out I read and possibly finding out that I’m writing fanfiction, the fact that I never upload anymore because I’m just SO BUSY, and I clearly didn’t learn my lesson from my first of writing a book only to quit barely even halfway through. 
          I have other social medias (twitter/x and TikTok) that are all linked in my description and if they aren’t I’ll put them there in case you would like to keep contact! 


Yes, just temporary be off of here for your own safety. We’ll miss you, I have like TikTok only, but hopefully soon, we’ll talk again. Luv you <333




@yourAveragestar i get that..
            i just like making myself known </3


@muitanceoofficial hehe I usually do as well except for this one for some reason? I just don’t want to change it (i just forget to..)


Also yeah!!! My user on everything is literally muitans CEO 


My dad might have to go to South Korea for a year
          We’re a military family so we usually go with him but this time they gave him the order for a “rotation” kind of thing where only HE goes away for a year then he comes back. 
          This REALLY sucks because we can’t do anything to change it. But this is what we wanted in a way? My mom HATES that me and my siblings (mainly me and my sister since my brother was to young) had to move and leave so many friends behind. (I’ve moved a total of 5/4 times). So this IS what we wanted but my dad just won’t be here :(
          I had already committed my brain that we were going to move as a family but I guess we won’t be unless the army decides to switch it around again 


@yourAveragestar  same so good night and thank you  


@Nobody2028 it’s 7:36 pm where I am so I guess good night? But good morning/night to you as well!


@yourAveragestar oh well that’s good I’m glad he’ll be alright  have a good night or morning depending on where you live 


I heard there’s another hurricane coming and it’s supposed to be “record breaking” it’s so bad…I think Florida is evacuating? But this seems to be life or death (at least for Florida). I live in one of the “coastal states” by Florida so we might get hit pretty bad. 
          Stay safe please <3 


@Goldheart_17 yeah im just lucky I live inland and not by the coast  but yeah I heard that the people were told that if they were going to stay in Florida they had to write their info on their bodies with permanent markers 


            Yeah, Hurricane Milton. It's stronger than category 5, but there isn't another category yet. There are some districts (A,B,C) that have been evacuated, but there are a few others that have been informed not to.
            Please stay safe. I'm wishing you and everyone near the coast luck and safety.


STOPP I ABOUT HAD A HEART ATTACK (not really though)
          On one of my tiktoks someone commented “WAIT IK YOU!!” and why was my first thought was that it was someone from my school TnT
          I thought it was over for me…. I mean I don’t show my face so idk why I thought that but-..TnT 


@ILoveTuskasa oh it’s fine he died awhile ago I don’t remember him much (nor was I there when he died) but yeah I thought I was COOKED that account is my ship account so yeah would have been cooked 


@yourAveragestar I’m sorry to hear about your grandpa.
            But yeah I can understand freaking out over something like that


@ILoveTuskasa no TnT im not my grandpa- but yeah im good bro I just freaked :( 