
hi baes. it’s been so long since i’ve been on here or written anything for you. let me just give you a quick rundown of my life. after posting the last chapter i spent the rest of my time enjoying my summer hoping to start writing when school started. school started at the end of august and it was extremely stressful. i stayed away from doing anything on wattpad.i had also broken my phone in july so i couldn’t do much anyway.  earlier this week i finished one of my books i was writing on a different account which took a huge amount of stress off of my shoulders. i recently got a new phone but couldn’t get back anything from my other phone because of how broken it was so all of the notes i had for my wattpad stories are gone which is kind of a bummer. but i’m glad to say i’m back now. i just finished rereading “Room 501” so i know where to pick it up at. i will be writing and posting a new chapter soon!! ❤️


@your_aries_bae OMGGGG BABESSSS!!!!! damn, that really sucks but I'm glad your summer was great and your back to writing. school will always be stressful :/
          	  what's the name of the other book??????
          	  YESSSSS, NEW CHAPTERS!!! OK, proper thrilled yk 


hi baes. it’s been so long since i’ve been on here or written anything for you. let me just give you a quick rundown of my life. after posting the last chapter i spent the rest of my time enjoying my summer hoping to start writing when school started. school started at the end of august and it was extremely stressful. i stayed away from doing anything on wattpad.i had also broken my phone in july so i couldn’t do much anyway.  earlier this week i finished one of my books i was writing on a different account which took a huge amount of stress off of my shoulders. i recently got a new phone but couldn’t get back anything from my other phone because of how broken it was so all of the notes i had for my wattpad stories are gone which is kind of a bummer. but i’m glad to say i’m back now. i just finished rereading “Room 501” so i know where to pick it up at. i will be writing and posting a new chapter soon!! ❤️


@your_aries_bae OMGGGG BABESSSS!!!!! damn, that really sucks but I'm glad your summer was great and your back to writing. school will always be stressful :/
            what's the name of the other book??????
            YESSSSS, NEW CHAPTERS!!! OK, proper thrilled yk 


i’m looking to change the cover of Room 501. i feel like i should use something that reaches the target audience and i feel like it doesn’t do that as of right now. if y’all have any pictures you think i could edit and use for a cover dm me


Also I have a a new book that’s been sitting in my drafts for awhile. It’s for lesbian (or wlw in general) short stories specifically. I want you guys to give me some ideas of what I should write about. Certain topics I should touch on. Or even make a story based on a specific song. Genres like Supernatural, enemies to lovers, vampires, demons, dystopian universes, the future, everything you can think of. Even simple topics like coming out, gender identity, figuring out your sexuality, etc. I have a few ideas but let me know ;)


Where do you guys think “Room 501” takes place? Which state? Warm weather or cold weather? Take into account that the rich a poor live within miles of each other. Obviously close enough for Olivia and Alex to be able to go to the same school. Let me know.


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besties i need y’all’s help. how can i get my book out there. i use tags and all that but wattpad just not showing my shit. how tf are straight books ending up #1 in gxg tags but actually gxg books are barley even #50?! HELP ME BESTIES


@your_aries_bae idk either bestie maybe as you continue posting more and when more people vote it'll start to at least be seen by more readers just know it'll take some time