hi baes. it’s been so long since i’ve been on here or written anything for you. let me just give you a quick rundown of my life. after posting the last chapter i spent the rest of my time enjoying my summer hoping to start writing when school started. school started at the end of august and it was extremely stressful. i stayed away from doing anything on wattpad.i had also broken my phone in july so i couldn’t do much anyway. earlier this week i finished one of my books i was writing on a different account which took a huge amount of stress off of my shoulders. i recently got a new phone but couldn’t get back anything from my other phone because of how broken it was so all of the notes i had for my wattpad stories are gone which is kind of a bummer. but i’m glad to say i’m back now. i just finished rereading “Room 501” so i know where to pick it up at. i will be writing and posting a new chapter soon!! ❤️

@your_aries_bae OMGGGG BABESSSS!!!!! damn, that really sucks but I'm glad your summer was great and your back to writing. school will always be stressful :/ what's the name of the other book?????? YESSSSS, NEW CHAPTERS!!! OK, proper thrilled yk