
I'm trying to finish another chapter on all 3, the whole chapter on the step Brothers got erased when I tried to save it, have to research a little for chapter 2 of hot bodies, and on the run I have half the chapter done but I'm stuck a little.  I'm looking for songs, I need inspiration so message me!!


Definitely going you will come back and finish On the Run. It was thing so good. I had so many tights in my head when I started reading this over the weekend. Who kidnapped her? Who is really the baby daddy? Well it just be one or a multiple birth? What will happen with school and lacrosse? What will Will think? What are Come and Alex going to think? Well they get her back and will she be OK?
          Please please please go back and read and continue their story...or allow someone else to continue it for you!!!!


I hope you continue this book. I know you are confuse and trouble on how you want to write this story. This is only my opinion but i would start the very beginning before she lost her memory, start where her father set all this in motion. Where her dad has a pov, fighting with his wife because feels hurt and embarrassed that his daughter was in a relationship with her step brothers.
          Then get Anna POV on what took place with her husband and step daugther and why she left her husband also included the charges that was brought up against him for hitting his daughter. That will be step up for him to be irrational can't think straight and decides to take matters into his own hands and that's when he kidnaps her and the search is on.
          Sense she doesnt know who the baby daddy is you can write that once she (Dani) see her father was the one kidnapped her she tells him that he going to a grandfather and he loses all control and starts to absue Dani where she loose the baby. 
          An her hero is not the identical twins brothers but her step brothers and step dad rescue her.
          Then she tells one of the brothers that she really loves him. Go back to the first book the answer is there. My opinion is Alex he made the first move on her before Chase did. Plus Dani was the first to tell Alex she was in love with him. 
          As for the other twin Brothers she knew she wasnt in love with them. So she has to put them straight and they need to know where her heart really realize with. But Jase knows his relastionship Dani is not the same and Brody going to hurt when she tells him that she loves him a best friend finally.
          Have Will finally taking control of Dani disappearance once and for all and stop the controlling Twins brothers being in charger for once. Will needs to be one to realize it was Dani father that kidnapped her. 


            Once Will brings Dani home make her live with him so she can figure out how messed up her life is. And set all the guys straight except the real one that actually captured her heart. We know the Twins are not the ones for her so they are out, so that leave her brothers. Re-readed the books the answers r in them. Have Blake be the one to help her get her messed up life back on track. As for the baby goes she lose it because of her father who is now dead or spending his life in prision for what he did to his daughter.