
anyways i was "yourconfetti" before 


quick quesh. if i entirely prewrite a book and thrn post on a set schedule, the chapters will come regularly. you wouldn't have to wait for anything not knowing when the next bit is coming. but it would take longer for me to start posting. 
          alternatively, if i post as i write, it'll start a lot faster, but there will probably be gaps in the posting schedule. like, months long gaps possibly. 
          which do you prefer? :)


new books (bc i'm crazy and also lotr/hobbit obsessed) so far thorin oakenshield, aragorn elessar, and kili durin books [like i said, i'm crazy]


i have a couple 'light as a feather, hard as a rock' (lfhr?) chapters ready to roll out over the next couple of weeks, maybe, because i have a bad habit of writing a bunch, not writing for a while, then writing a bunch, not writing for a while, and repeat.