
this message may be offensive
YO ITS YA BOY, SKINNY PENIS ( I am so sorry, I had to-)
          	ANYWAY, I was Garethsimp and I decided to change my user in case my IRL friends found me and decided to stalk me 
          	I'm thinking about getting into writing again. I keep making fake scenarios in my head, which I was told is a mental illness thing..
          	I probably won't write about stranger things anymore (I do have some drafts I might post for fun) 
          	but instead I will write about IT or just make up shit. 
          	idk yet, all I know is I really love the IT movies (I haven't seen the one from the 90's cuz it's like 3 hours)
          	I haven't read the book (yet) but my mom has and she told me some nasty shit that happens in it so I'm low key scared and excited to read it? idk man
          	I'll most likely write about being siblings with the losers club or being friends with the Bower's gang. something like that ‍♂️ 
          	all I know is, I will do it for fun. not for views. 
          	fair warning my posting schedule will be super fucked because I am super mentally unstable rn (I'm seeing a therapist next month) so I'll post more on some days and then not post for a week.
          	I'm an unstable teenager with dyed hair 
          	anyway yeah. that's it! ✌️peace


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YO ITS YA BOY, SKINNY PENIS ( I am so sorry, I had to-)
          ANYWAY, I was Garethsimp and I decided to change my user in case my IRL friends found me and decided to stalk me 
          I'm thinking about getting into writing again. I keep making fake scenarios in my head, which I was told is a mental illness thing..
          I probably won't write about stranger things anymore (I do have some drafts I might post for fun) 
          but instead I will write about IT or just make up shit. 
          idk yet, all I know is I really love the IT movies (I haven't seen the one from the 90's cuz it's like 3 hours)
          I haven't read the book (yet) but my mom has and she told me some nasty shit that happens in it so I'm low key scared and excited to read it? idk man
          I'll most likely write about being siblings with the losers club or being friends with the Bower's gang. something like that ‍♂️ 
          all I know is, I will do it for fun. not for views. 
          fair warning my posting schedule will be super fucked because I am super mentally unstable rn (I'm seeing a therapist next month) so I'll post more on some days and then not post for a week.
          I'm an unstable teenager with dyed hair 
          anyway yeah. that's it! ✌️peace


I hate to be that person, but I'm not writing anymore. I simply can't. My gf, the one who helped with stories, broke up with me last week so just the idea of writing makes me sad rn. Plus I'm hyper fixated on IT rn instead of Stranger things so, sorry y'all. Maybe one day in the future I can continue. Until then I'll keep reading your stories. I am so happy that I found a nice community, thank you for supporting me! <3


@Sniperr_ thanks, I'm really trying but sometimes things remind me of her and I just get sad :[


@ Garethsimp  :((( i hope you feel better after yknow.


I'm probably not gonna post for a long while cuz mentally I am not ok rn. I hope y'all understand..


@KrissyMunson thanks you so much! This really means a lot. I also happened to relapse so if you need to talk I'm here as well! :]


@Garethsimp seriously if you need someone to just sent a rant message to and listen I'm here. I sadly relapsed in SH 3 days ago and I'm also not okay. But I will listen and be an internet bestie when you need me! You can even add me on snap and I'd send stupid photos. 
            We all understand, we all love you! 


My gf wants a Billy story now 
          What y'all think? Should I write one or finish one of these other ones. Or should I just work on all of them? 


@Sniperr_ I might, thinking about it cuz I still gotta finish the Gareth one


@ Garethsimp  i dunno its up to you 


Writing smut is hard 


@ Garethsimp  btw im doing another drawing of Kas! Eddie but digitally this time 


this message may be offensive
 I might be busy with driving shit, cuz I'm learning how. But I'll still try to post, with the help of my gf 


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@ Garethsimp  Im your typical Bisexual With a slight preference to WOMENNNN  158 cm tall Dumb blonde with greenish blueish eyes who wants to murder everyone in her class with a burning passion and who beats up every boy in her class who even looks at her and shw wants to kill her boy best friend who calls her short even tho hes 4 cm taller. She wants to kill her galls especially the botches who make fun of her for not having a slim stomach and shes literally a hourglass so slay *dancey dance*


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@Sniperr_ lol I'm not an emo, my best friend is so ig by the stupid logic of white teen boys I'm an emo? Straight boys are another species on their own. 
            I'm the short non binary, pan kid who will beat the shit outta anyone who trash talks my friends 


            I hate straight guys at my school
            I mean i had an emo phase myself sooooo....
            And then theres me a Bi Gworl whos the therapist friend with fuxked up mentality and very possible depression *dances*