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YO ITS YA BOY, SKINNY PENIS ( I am so sorry, I had to-) ANYWAY, I was Garethsimp and I decided to change my user in case my IRL friends found me and decided to stalk me I'm thinking about getting into writing again. I keep making fake scenarios in my head, which I was told is a mental illness thing.. ANYWAY I probably won't write about stranger things anymore (I do have some drafts I might post for fun) but instead I will write about IT or just make up shit. idk yet, all I know is I really love the IT movies (I haven't seen the one from the 90's cuz it's like 3 hours) I haven't read the book (yet) but my mom has and she told me some nasty shit that happens in it so I'm low key scared and excited to read it? idk man anywayyyyy I'll most likely write about being siblings with the losers club or being friends with the Bower's gang. something like that ♂️ all I know is, I will do it for fun. not for views. fair warning my posting schedule will be super fucked because I am super mentally unstable rn (I'm seeing a therapist next month) so I'll post more on some days and then not post for a week. I'm an unstable teenager with dyed hair anyway yeah. that's it! ✌️peace