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1. I can't hear people tell me they like me, think I'm pretty, or like being around me. I did a scene in my film class where the other character told me he liked me and he liked being around me and I freaked out.
2. I get panic attacks when I hear pain. I first figured this out when I watched Bucky get tortured in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and in Civil War. Hearing him scream like that made me so panicky. Also when i first got my dog and I had to put him in his crate when I had to take a shower, he was crying and I started hyperventilating in the shower.
3. I'm adopted
4. I figured out I have anxiety. When I have to do things like, go get food from a buffet, I start freaking out. And when I need something at someones house like food or where something is. Also at stores when I need to reach something.
5. I have ADHD
6. I don't talk to my friends or family or therapists about anything. My parents, well, if they hadn't picked my orphanage to pick their kid from, they wouldn't care whether I lived or died. It was a game of chance. My friends, they don't need to have added stress in their lives. We also met by a roll of the dice so same thing with the parents. My therapist couldn't give two shits about me. She's paid to care.
7. When I get sad, all the suicidal, depressed, angry, and sad thoughts just get drawn like a magnet to the front row seats of my brain.
8. I've had at least 4 mental breakdowns in the past 4 weeks.
9. People treat me like shit but I don't do anything about it. I just think, well, the fact that they have to say/do these things to me to make them feel better must mean that they feel a lot of pain, much worse than me. If me being their emotional punching bag makes them feel better, than that's fine by me.