
New Book Posted!
          	Title: Sunshine
          	Maze Runner
          	❤️Gally x Oc
          	grumpy x sunshine


My summer has been so busy 
          First I had my basketball camp that was six hours a day for a week straight
          Then a went away to volleyball camp for three days I have my birthday on the 17 and I have a sheep show a week after
          Then and first week of school volleyball season starts
          I’m just so burnt out and anytime a try to tell my mom she say “ your just lazy “ like no your putting a middle schooler threw something you couldn’t do yourself 
          Well I just wanted to rant Ty for listening <3


What does SOS stand for?
          (Wrong answers only)


Okay I forgot how shitty the world is until today, so I went to the market with my friend and her girlfriend we were all wearing pride hoodies and they weren’t that out there it was just a black hoodie with a little pride flag on the arm and the amount of people that gave us dirty looks and took pictures one lady came up to us and asked us if we new what we were wearing I’m “yes I do is there and problem?” She gave my the dirtiest look I've EVER seen and she said “ Yes there is, gays and sinners”……we just left the shop LIKE LADY WHAT THE HELL


@XxPinkRootBearxX if people mind there business and the world would be some much better


this message may be offensive
@yourrealdaddypus people are so fucking rude for no reason, it makes no sense to me.


I wanna get to no ya’ll better so what are your zodiacs,
          And do any of ya’ll wanna be Wp adopted?