You are probably wondering why I haven't been updating, this is why, I don't like the book I am currently creating, sorry to you guys that do but I don't. The book I'm deciding on creating is going to be a restart if my last book that I created but deleted if any of you guys remember. If you don't, you'll just have to wait to the new one. The new book that I'm writing is going to be long to where I am going to make a series! Can't wait until you guys read it!! It'll be up soon! Please be patient and thank you for those of you that are and have been! Love you guys! Sorry again! It'll be up soon! I just want the first chapter to be a bam! So I'm still working on it plus I've been busy, but I'll do a lot better and update more when summer comes school ends for me June 19 but I'll still do my best to update now . Love you guysss