
look out for an update today! I'll do my best to get one up tonight. thank you for being so patient x


this message may be offensive
Hi please update DMs because I am addicted and I know that there may not be alot of comments or votes but that doesn't mean nobody cares. I care so much but I have super shit wifi so I can't comment or vote even tho I so badly want to. I'm just a 14 year old Australian who spends way to much time on her phone and laptop and that's probably the reason I only have like 4 friends. So please please please follow me back and update because I'm literally dying to know what comes next!!


Hey please follow me back! I'm in love with your story "Dms" and I would love it so much if you would continue to the story. 
          I'm literally just a 14 year old aussie girl with like only 4 friends and I literally cannot live without wattpad and it's so hard to find stories that like appeal to me if you know what I mean? and your an amazing author that words your story perfectly and even tho I literally only just started reading im hooked. 
          and just because people don't vote or comment doesn't mean nobody cares. I care very much but I don't really have great wifi and it sucks balls so I can't exactly vote or comment. 
          please update!! and follow me back because I envy you xx


hey guys!! send me a message if you want me to follow back. I'm working on the next update. xx


@yourstrlouly please follow me back!!!


Luke thinks Eve is using him to get famous. Eve has a YouTube channel where she posts singing videos. she didn't tell Luke about this. Luke is already famous so he thinks that she was becoming friends with him to use him for fame at a later point. sorry for taking so long to get back to you!! thank you for reading


The next part of dms / lh is posted! next goal is 160 votes. thank you so much for all the support! I'm still working on the q&a chapter so theres still time to leave questions! just comment on the latest part with a question and who its for. xx