
@Parogar I don't have a way of doing that. Do you know if its push notifications or email notifications? or both?


@Parogar I understand. I apologize for this. I will mention your specific case to the team and see what we can do. Just so you know though, I highly doubt that it is only affecting you. These are usually server issues that are widespread.


          I notice you're a wattpad support team member. Yesterday, when I was checking my work, I noticed a problem with Orphans. I think it was chapter 4, the writing looked like it had been corrupted with a virus or something - meaningless figures and letters. I wonder if you could check that for me?
          Regards Liam


hey Assalamalaikum  , Youssef , i just found you out here... 
          how are you (trying to act as if i know you  personally  , duh )  never mind my joke.. 
          i have this query,  the last update  which tooknplace a week or two ago ... i mean why do we have that update,  its like all public...


@MushEera and then this thing , notifications  aren't  showing u o since after  the update for me..