
Hey guys!!!! So my new account is DeathVSL but I'm still gonna be on this one. I just have that one cause I'm gonna be writing more ships! If u wanna request a ship I posted one of these thingys and I will sure make it BYE FLUFFYS I WUV U GUYS!


Hey guys!!!! So my new account is DeathVSL but I'm still gonna be on this one. I just have that one cause I'm gonna be writing more ships! If u wanna request a ship I posted one of these thingys and I will sure make it BYE FLUFFYS I WUV U GUYS!


Hey Fluffys! Just wanna say thanks for all the reads on my stories and.....
          40 FOLLOWERS OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!! THANK U!!!!
          I know I'm not the best writer in the world but K do got a good imagination. If you guys know anyone else that like Skylox or other ships or if you guys want to, I made a book where you put in the comments ship requests. Feel free to get creative or even give ideas for better writing. Anyway guys, thank you so much for the support and reads. I love you all so much!
          -UndrDeath B.


Hey fluffys! Thank you for over 30 followers and I'm sorry I haven't gotten to write in a long time. I had absolutely no internet! But now I do! I'll be updating on a regular basis starting July 24th with internet by my side, so much easier, I also broke two phones with parts I was going to upload but got deleted so I have to start from scratch. Thank you for all the support and I'll be editing my parts now where they look priffecional.
          BYE MY FLUFFYS!!!!
          -UndrDeath B.


Hey FLUFFYS!!! Tomorrow I'm going to try something different. Im going to make a story of your suggestions. For example. If you asked me to make a short story about, well, The Walking Dead. If I know the show/movie you give me in the comment section, I will write a short fan story on that topic. You guys choose which fandom you would like a fan fiction about and write it down in the comment section so I can tag you in it And create the story fandom you desire. So.... If you would like a certain type of fandom in a story, put it in the comment section of the Suggestion book I'm going to create right now. Anyway... Can't wait to hear your ideas on shows and fandoms you like :) BYE FLUFFYS BOOK OF STORIES WILL BE UP SOON!!!!


@youtubefanlolz  *Phrase that. TODAY im gonna try something different.


Hey fluffys sorry I haven't been on in a WHILE!! Im on and I'm starting a new story while finishing some. Anyway, not much more to say. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT VOTES AND FOLLOWIHG ME THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! anyway, BYE MY FLUFFYS!!!!!!


Hey fluffys. I'm thinking, after the 'Run and Come Back' story. I would make a story crossover of Team Crafted, Black Butler, and Naruto!
          Btw, I'm gonna put powers in tc of course but, what I wanted to notify you guys about is, A BOOK GUESSING GAME! He new crossover will have changes and powers from a tv cartoon series on cartoon net work. If you can guess it, Tyler Ellis, or Ty, is one. Here is the clue 
                        It's a show with a little boy that lost his mother and his dad takes care of them. Him and some friends fight galactical creatures trying to destroy the earth. #hint~crystals! This boy can make a shield appear out of his stomach and fights with other petroleum like him but with different types of weapons. You have now till tomorrow at 5:30 PM to put in your answers. The first one to answer it correctly, Gets to be in the new story and meet everyone. READY GOOOO!! :3


 Got two more hours to reply


It's pretty obvious btw

