Okay, everybody.. I have just finished the next chapter! And that means that there is only one. more. chapter left in this book. I want to reveal to you, that there will be another book, apart of the Mistakes series! The next book as a spoiler will be called Mistaken. And, it will still involve Derek, and it will involve more drama than e v e r.
I am not going to be doing any more chapters tonight! I am going to bed.. I will be finishing this book up this week.. And I will be starting a new book tomorrow. Be sure to actually read Mistakes! Because it is going to be a series! And at the end of each book, there will be a video of me actually reviewing the book I have created, and I will be telling you some spoilers of what is next to happen for Derek!
Hello everybody! Thank you, and thank you for following! I will just like to let you know that I am almost finished with "Mistakes." So, you might want to catch up reading because it might be taken down when I am finished. I will be starting another series. Mistakes is going to become a series! So you will get to see Derek grow each year of school. So, one book will be one year. You will see Derek grow.