
Lost access to my account for a while but I am back now. Doesn't mean I'll write anything however.


Wait, what happened to the part where I have been tag? What happened to Shun and Dan?


@ysamix I'm not sure if I remember you, but maybe because the book was inappropriate? Because I remembered reading your book and liking it. 


@Razora_Stakaza Wattpad took down the book for some reason. I think somebody reported it I'm not sure. I got it back though but lost some unpublished parts.I am pretty sure the part you requested is in their


Writing smuts is not as fun as it once was anymore... I havent been having any good ideas and I barely think about lemons or anything like that. Been having crappy motavation too, probably because of my bad sleep habits I've recently picked up or I'm just becoming lazy. I guess I will put my writing on hold.