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Good day fellows. Imma be straight up to everyone who’s been commenting and reading and just likening the story overall, YOU GUYS ARE THE BOMB DIGGITY!! FUCKING AWESOME HOMIES!!! So, an explanation if you care: I was not having a great time the past couple of months. I was feeling shitty and unpublished the story because everything that I liked before just became uninteresting. But I started to “recover” in a way, and I’m so sorry for doing my homies dirty by taking down the story. THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED NICE THINGS AMD RESPECTING I TOOK IT DOWN. You, as well, are the bomb diggity. I am going to try (again) to make this a good, enjoyable, story for all my anime webs and fellow introverts (probably) alike! ~ysapasta <<<<<<333333333333
@ysapasta It's all good! we all hav rough patches in life. But like i've said in pretty much all my other comments, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK U!!! Your amazing and i'm glad your doing better. Stay safe, author-chan!