
Happy Holiday’s everyone! If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had an amazing day and got everything you wished for! Thank you all so much for reading my stories, it means the world. I hope you have an amazing New Year’s as well! <3


I absolutely love your work do you have any upcoming project! 


i’m so glad you enjoy my stories!! i have been trying to work on some things but i’ve been busy so i haven’t had time to stick with them unfortunately :/ i do also want to say i do not write bughead anymore mostly bc of how the show has changed. i have been working on a bellward fic which is ~almost~ finished (take this with a grain of salt) which is obvs a new fandom but it’s been fun to explore!!! i’ve also been considering writing stories about bonrad (belly & conrad, tsitp) if that would be interesting!!


Happy Holiday’s everyone! If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had an amazing day and got everything you wished for! Thank you all so much for reading my stories, it means the world. I hope you have an amazing New Year’s as well! <3


hi !! i’m so sorry to say that i’m not going to be able to update dress up with chapter 3 this week. i really wanted to but my schedule just didn’t allow it to happen and i want it to be thoroughly edited for you guys !! i hope you’re enjoying the first two chapters so far , i seriously cannot wait for you to read the rest !! ily all so so much and i hope you have a wonderful day / night / morning etc. mwah !! <33 
          — emily <3


hi!! i just wanted to come on here and let y'all know that i actually just finished the "epilogue" (idk what else to call it) for Nobody Gets Me (Like You)!! it's going to be available to read on Wednesday, July 7th at 12 pm. 
          i'm actually so proud of it and i love it so much. it's much longer than i thought it would be, but i just loved writing that story so much. i can't wait for y'all to read it and (hopefully) love it as much as i do. 
          i love you all so, so much and i hope you have an amazing day/night/afternoon/evening/etc. mwah!!! <33


I might be rlly dumb but are you the one who had the story “underneath the mask”? If you did, did you delete it Bc I can’t find it anywhere :( 


yayyyy thank you!! 


it’s just been republished. enjoy!!


@ultraviolet-violet I would love if you would republish it Bc I rlly wanna reread it but only if you want to! 


Hi. I’ve never used this before so this is new to me lol. To any of y’all who read Flash of Red, I will not be updating today. It is not ready to be posted and it is currently a sloppy unedited mess all because I hadn’t realized it was Sunday. I am so sorry for the inconvenience and I will try to post Chapter 19 tomorrow if I can. Thank you for understanding!!