
Me : "Udah lah, udahan aja nge-wattpad... Udah.. Nyerah aja..." *uninstall wattpad*
          	Also me : *install lagi wattpad* *publish cerita baru*
          	The struggle is real T____T


@ yuchidax  istirahat aja, tapi jgn nyerah.. Aku slalu nunggu 


@yuchidax istirahat boleh kak.. justru harus istirahat dulu.. tapi tolong jangan menyerah TT tarik nafas sebentar.. 


@Aritmatika inget pasti inget, tapi akunya udah ga kuat... Mau lambai tangan ke kamera aja ahahaha 


haii kak, aku salah satu pembaca setiamu, bener bener suka banget sama semua fanfic yang kamu tulis, udah sekitar dua bulanan aku hapus wattpad dan baru aku download hari ini lagi karena pengen baca cerita kamu, tapi pas aku check ternyata semua ceritanya di unpublish, huhu sedih banget.
          i dont know what happen in there but i hope you’ll always doing well, youre really a good writer and your book is look like an addiction to me, i’ve read all of your fanfiction more than 50x and never get bored (believe me when i said this, bcs its really good). this is my first time writing in someone conversation wall. but i really wish that you’ll read this, and i also hope that you will republish all of  your fanfiction. 
          please remember to always take care of yourself
          semangat terusss