
teehee new chapter for "Father" is up now >:3


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So Like am I the only one who dosen't see the appeal of Bakugou like...at all?
          I never liked him since his first appearance to his latest, hell I laughed a bit when the whole "yoo he died!" Thing was going around and was a bit saddened when he returned 
          Overall Bakuhoe remains honestly a sack of shit to me, hes also not that attractive like...bro? What do you see in him??????
          Sorry for my rant


@yui_yushido You're not entirely alone. I stopped reading My Hero a long time ago, but I did sort of get the potential of Bakugo. Unfortunately, the writing for his character didn't improve much and any interest was dropped roughly around the time I quit reading.


@yui_yushido don't know I hate him to, and his whole reason for being shity to Izuku was honestly kinda shity too
            I guess most girls just like bad boy or boy with bad temper 
