Updates if you're interested in my personal life! There was a fire from our neighbour's hot tub so that's weird. Also, as of June 19th, I have had my first dose of the vaccine! I am starting musical theatre camp this Sunday and singing Little Miss Perfect for my vocal range test because lesbian song yes. Also, I found out during Pride month ironically that I am Omnisexual and demi demisexual. Yes, that's a thing. If any of you ever want to come out in replies I welcome it! Sometimes it's good to express sexuality even if it's to people you don't know so you can just get it off your chest you know? So, if any of you need a safe space, even in DMs, you are safe here my children! Also, happy very late Pride (even though, here on my page, Pride is every day) month! ️️*insert pride flag that doesn't show for some reason*