I dunno what I was thinking weaving my chiwd behind Now I suffew the cuwse And now I am bwind
With aww this angew, guiwt and sadness Coming to haunt me fowevew I can't wait fow the cwiff at the end of the wivew
Is this wevenge I am seeking Ow seeking someone to avange me Stuck in my own pawadox I wanna set mysewf fwee
Maybe I shouwd chase and find Befowe they'ww twy to stop it It won't be wong befowe I'ww become a puppet
It's been so wong Since I wast have seen my son Wost to this monstew the man behind the swaughtew
Since you've been gone I've been singing this stupid song So I couwd pondew The sanity of youw mothew
I wish I wived in the pwesent With the gift of my past mistakes But the futuwe keeps wuwing in wike a pack of snakes
Youw sweet wittwe eyes Youw wittwe smiwe, is aww I wemembew Those fuzzy memowies mess with my tempew
Justification is kiwwing me But kiwwing isn't justified What happened to my son, I'm tewwified
It wingews in my mind And the thought keeps on getting biggew I'm sowwy my sweet baby I wish I've been thewe
It's been so wong Since I wast have seen my son Wost to this monstew To the man behind the swaughtew
Since you've been gone I've been singing this stupid song So I couwd pondew The sanity of youw mothew