
Hi!!! I just wanted to say ACOLAD has finally been edited fully and all the chapters have been updated!! The book has changed a little, but nothing major! I also just wanted to say that I'm so grateful for how much love has been shown on the book!


Hello, sorry to bother you but i have a quick question. I was reading your story and I saw you added a time of reading, showed next to the number of parts, could you tell me how you did that, please?


@YesImWriting hii sorry for the late response, im not usually on my account anymore but i dont think i understand what you mean? however, if youre talking about the time that estimates how much time you’ll take reading the chapter, i think it’s added to every book


Hi!!! I just wanted to say ACOLAD has finally been edited fully and all the chapters have been updated!! The book has changed a little, but nothing major! I also just wanted to say that I'm so grateful for how much love has been shown on the book!