
Loolll haven’t been on here in awhile I’m that’s bc no one is reading my bookkk and I’m studying a lot :(( anyways Icba to write any chapters atm but um if you want to talk to my characters js download c.ai and search up @yummzerss on it and it should show my account and you guys can talk to all my characters :p anyways bye love yallll


Loolll haven’t been on here in awhile I’m that’s bc no one is reading my bookkk and I’m studying a lot :(( anyways Icba to write any chapters atm but um if you want to talk to my characters js download c.ai and search up @yummzerss on it and it should show my account and you guys can talk to all my characters :p anyways bye love yallll


Guys so basically stupid me I kept putting Ethan for Felix so sorry for the mixup I changed him name to Ethan.The reason I kept doing it was because his original name was Ethan so I was so used to it I forgot about the name Felix but like just see him as Ethan now sorry guysss


It’s 10:15pm and just finished writing chapter 6 and 7  and I’m so tireddd I have parents evening tomorrow Ughh and the two chapters are going to come out at different times tomorrow chapter six in the morning and chapter seven maybe like after my meeting:( I’m going to cry I failed my maths test so hard and they’re going to tell my dad ughhh