Do you personally know nini or u guys just support each other here ? Sorry for bothering u but I'm curious

@teteco9597__ it's momiibladeifcccc ...lol sry it's a Weird username but i opened this acc just to get updates about bts lmao

@teteco9597__ hi um even I'm sry to bother u but haha that "loml and wifey" thing is really cute and I'm rlly jealous that u r friend of nini sunbaenim (I'm not a koreaboo but back in 2015 she was one of the most famous author nim on wattpad so everyone used to call her by this name) I'll literally die if she talks with me btw do u know that incident of 2015?

I see, the best writer follows u, so i followed u too, imma read ur book naw