
I started something 


this message may be offensive
"First Half"--my iPad is completely DONE. I had the whole plot planned out on my iPad and now it's gone and I'm not going to waist time trying to redo the whole plot. I'm pissed as hell. Went to Apple and they said I had to replace it for $219. That shit ain't finna happen until the end of summer before school starts. I'm mad at myself for this. It's like everytime I try to write a story on Wattpad, some shit ends up happening, I get writer's block, I don't know what to write, etc, then I end up deleting it and I apologize cause none of yall readers should be going through this bullshit I give you. Yall should've had "Her Life in His" by chapter 25 or something by now, but no, my stupid ass decided to delete it because I couldn't think straight about it. I tell ya, it's hard writing wheather it's a fanfiction or any other kind of book. Again I'm sorry for everything. I don't even think I'll be writing on here because stupid shit happens that pisses me off and I never get to finish a book. I couldn't even finish my FORST ever fanfic on Youtube and I deleted it because I was going through a rough time. It feels even worse writing on here, especially having others depend on you to update more often and so on. This may be goodbye--until then, check out the books in my reading list. Those are the books I am inspired by :/.