
I need help lmao, I have 6 unpublished multisaku works what is wrong with me. I SHOULD HE UPDATING THE ONES THAT ARE ALREADY PUBLISHED HUHU


Heyo my amazing readers and followers! So i dont hve school for a week for who knows why, but that means that i have time to update my multisaku and other fanfics! Erm..maybe  nkt reallyupdate since im alreadywriting a new multisaku fanfic...j cant help it, i just have so many ideas Anyways! Hope you guys are having a nice day today.


God i swear, in a few years i'd probably quit writing and focus more on my studies. Imagine i finally finished high school and i'm in college and i look back to me when i was writing fanfictions, i'd probably say to myself, "man, i was a weird ass teen back then" 
          But for now, i'll keep on writing for fun, have any of you(followers of mine) ever wondered, why do i like shinobu and sakura so much? Well first off, both are doctors, which i plan on being one myself one day. And they're really cool! they are so similar. Both of them being really beautiful,smart,strong, sweet, and their temper! honestly, i relate to them so much. 
          Anyways, besides me talking about myself, i'll now be talking about my fanfictions! i've been working on 4  multisaku fanfictions(both of them published already, and 2 are not) The current one i'm updating is "same girl,different world"  I'm working on chapter 2 right now! i think i'll be naming it cake or something else, i'm not quite sure yet, and i'll probably need to update haruno squad soon haha...
          Thats all i wanted to rant about, peace!