
akneeway guess who’s breaking down in the bus aha


so today was the last day of skool and we were supposed to write notes to all of our frens and i wrote notes but none of mai frens wrote notes for me and jus wrote for each other and i feel so embarrassed like was our frenship rlly nothing to them


it won’t help mai deteriorating mental health but its kinda cute


on the bright side i got a free bear from the skool so


and like i wrote a long ass paragraph for her and then i saw her writing for other people and jus wanted to cri and then i started crying in the middle of some speech but then i jus thot up a lie like i yawned or smthing even doe that was a stupid lie but like no one even cared, no one checked in on me and i jus feel like i’m frickin alone and i wan to jus curl up into a ball and roll away