bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
My sister is starting to get on my nerves sometimes... Like I'm asking you NICELY yet you still bad mouthing me for some reason, like I'm just doing what I have to do?.. I thought older people were supposed to be more responsible, I felt like I was taking care of an old ass woman bro?? You're 22 make up your mind la wtf, Everything i gotta do it, tf you gotta do then? Lay down on the floor and do nothing? And then accused a child of something she didn't do, like.. that good is it?Eh bodo you smell like a rotten cheese sial, and then asked what's that smell MF ITS YOU TF like bitch showering aint that hard, washing your dishes ain't that hard, you're old enough mf grow up, you're not a child anymore. Ppl thought youngest is the most spoiled, i say its the oldest.