
Helloooo everyone, I'm back after a long break. I apologize for disappearing, but I needed some time to focus on myself and heal away from social media.
          	Unfortunately, my old TikTok account, wh0.leilani, was taken over by me and I made it my official account, However, I've created a new account, which is (.yykxii), where I'll continue to share my imagination and books. I'll also be posting updates and content there and here as well. Stay tuned for the release of my finished books, which I'm currently editing.
          	For all my latest updates and content, feel free to follow me on TikTok. You can find my TikTok link in my beacons website on my Wattpad page, Thank you all for your support! I love you all dearly. 


Helloooo everyone, I'm back after a long break. I apologize for disappearing, but I needed some time to focus on myself and heal away from social media.
          Unfortunately, my old TikTok account, wh0.leilani, was taken over by me and I made it my official account, However, I've created a new account, which is (.yykxii), where I'll continue to share my imagination and books. I'll also be posting updates and content there and here as well. Stay tuned for the release of my finished books, which I'm currently editing.
          For all my latest updates and content, feel free to follow me on TikTok. You can find my TikTok link in my beacons website on my Wattpad page, Thank you all for your support! I love you all dearly. 


Does anyone have any romance book recommendations? 
          My library is so boring right now & I don’t have the time to go to an actual library cause I personally prefer books in libraries, but I’m busy. 
          so anyone help please! 
          I hope also hope you’re all doing safe & healthy! 
          remember whatever you’re going through, you 
          will get through it. I love you, if you haven’t been 
          told today! 


Mrs. Paulson & The Bodyguard Is now out!! 
          I will be updating every 2 weeks!! :) 
          I’m so sorry! But it’s now out! 
          I made the first chapter very long, since I’ll be updating every 2 weeks. 
          Despite the point, I hope you’re all safe & healthy! 
          Thank You Once Again Luvs!! 
          I hope you all stay safe!! I love you all!! <33


Greetings my luvs!! <3
          I just wanted to come on here and share my thoughts about, this whole Russia & Ukraine War!! 
          I absolutely do not like any part of this! Honestly, it breaks my heart to open all my social media(s) and I see Ukraine going through so much. 
          I have a website in my bio, please press on that website and donate. Anything Helps! 
          Please, Everyone, Pray For Ukraine 
          Thank You! 


Hello my luvs! <3 
          In a few days I’ll be publishing my book, 
          “My Possessive Bodyguard” I’d probably say
          give me probably about 4 or 5 days and it’ll be published. 
          please follow my Instagram, for more updates. 
          Instagram: lee.vhs  or press my link, at the bottom 
          of my bio and it should say Instagram. It should take you to my Instagram acc. 
          Thank you luvs. I love you all! <33 and please 
          Stay Safe. <3 


Hello my lovely Wattpad readers  
          I just wanted to clarify for you all, that my book 
          (My Possessive Bodyguard) will be published at the end of this year. I’m not 100% sure but I’ll try and hurry up. 
          I also want you all to know that I’m not on Wattpad everyday, meaning I don’t edit nor do I add more chapters to my book(s). I’m a 17 year old college student , living on my own, and working every day and night, trying to keep myself going. I’m busy everyday so I don’t really have the chance to get on here and edit my chapters. 
          As much as I really want to hurry up and publish the book, but my annoying a** boss keeps giving me more hours to work everyday.  
          I just wanted to get that off my chest for those who are wondering if I’m ever going to publish my book(s). 
          I love you all and thank you!  
          I hope you guys understand! <33


Hello my luvs!  
          Most of you might know me from tiktok! As most of you know, I had posted a video about my book that is about a bodyguard! I’m currently editing the chapters right now. I am done with the book but I’m editing them. Please lmk if you have any concerns. I’m sorry again for the long wait. 


how many chapters are there


@ANNONYMUS_READER751 I’m so sorry for the late reply luv! It’ll probably be published by the end of this year, I’m trying to hurry my a** up and edit the chapters, and get it published. 