
ew when was the last time i went on here


hey uhh,, its me again no way
          i still quit, but its kinda partiually now?? idk how to explain erm
          like im rarely gonna make announcements/come on here, but i still will, just not often. maybe once every few months??
          anywho; here are some things that changed when i was gone:
          the "friend" who exposed my age is no longer my friend. im not gonna tell yall why for personal reasons but lets js say he was manipulative and a gaslighter.
          im now dating someonee :3 ( i love my wife guys )
          uhh i found out a new theriotype of mine
          im now also realizing im a fictionkin + ockin !!
          my pronouns have changed ( xe/it/they )
          andd a few other things,,