
Unfortunately I had plans for publish the next chapter of “The Other Brother” but finals are happening right now and things have been just me constantly and consistently just trying to get my assignments in. But I promise once this week is over I will be publishing more chapters this summer and more frequent. 
          	Sorry for making you guys wait!❤️


Unfortunately I had plans for publish the next chapter of “The Other Brother” but finals are happening right now and things have been just me constantly and consistently just trying to get my assignments in. But I promise once this week is over I will be publishing more chapters this summer and more frequent. 
          Sorry for making you guys wait!❤️


The next chapter of “The Other Brother” will be coming soon. A little spoiler i’ll give you is that we will be getting more of Y/n’s backstory!!
          Throughout the story you’ve gotten parts of her upbringing but not all so chapter 8 will be doing that


Hi everyone I know I was supposed to update “The Other Brother” a while ago and never did. There has been a lot going on in my personal life but I promise you i’ll be updating soon! Be patient with me 
          Btw hope everyone is having a good spring break