It's been awhile since I left wp. Rindu. Ramai author yg dh takes down their stories I guess. Any recommendations cerita yg menarik? Silalah share.
Reading Lists
It's been awhile since I left wp. Rindu. Ramai author yg dh takes down their stories I guess. Any recommendations cerita yg menarik? Silalah share.
It's been awhile since I left wp. Rindu. Ramai author yg dh takes down their stories I guess. Any recommendations cerita yg menarik? Silalah share.
Happy new year everyone. 2024 ❤️I travelled a lot compared to previous years. I lost my beloved father on my birthday. Still, I'm grateful for what Allah has planned for me. #saja gatal nk up status in English.
@zack_senah happy new year juga. Apa yg berlaku jadi leaping stone utk kita kehadapan. Setiap kehilangan akan kita tempuhi juga. Cuma cepat atau lambat semoga tabah hadapinya.
Happy new year z
@_NaniRizal_ happy new year Nani sayam... Rindu la dunia Oren yg penuh kepura-puraan nie :'(
@Amirpenang kan
@abangasmara hahahaha.... Tu saja bgtau, tau dah, mesti ada orang yg tak perasan contohnya aok la.
Sedar tak sedar dah seminggu kita puasa. Rasa mcm baru 7 hari masuk Ramadan kan ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Letihnya overthinking.. letihnya deal dengan diri sendiri.
@zack_senah log out and go out, smell the flowers the fresh air .. find something to make u occupied so u won't be overthinking. Yes, I know it's hard but u got to try a different ways to sooth you.. only u know best what workable for u.. ☺️ I for u to find your peace ...
@MrsAhmadDhani thanks for the tip. Memang selalu buat mcm tu. But as time goes by, rasa letih tu memang tak boleh nk deny.
Am I too emotional bila I yg rasa sedih bila tengok borang cerai my colleague. I harap ini adalah yg terbaik utk mereka berdua. Tak ada org yg nk kahwin semata-mata untuk bercerai-berai.
Hancurnya hati si pemunya rahsia andai dia tahu, rahsia yg hanya dikongsi kepada orang yg dipercayai sudah pun dicerita dari mulut ke mulut, sekali tambahan rasa penyedap cerita. Ini lah kenapa I ada trust issue dengan orang sekeliling.
Salam Jumaat.. ada ke geng lambat hari nie?
@abangasmara hahahaha... Org dh level flexible working hour la.. org lain la tapi, bukan kite (+_+)
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