
uhhh you guys can kill me lmaoo. anyways i have a huge update soon iA! i recently just got my job at hollister and alH its going well. make dua for me!


This is for you. ♥️
          For the hearts who hope and hope. For the ones who wake up everyday praying for their duas to be accepted. For those who are lost in their darkness in the search of finding their light.
          Your light is always with you. It has been guiding you through. Your pain is only a passer-by for it was never meant to stay. You are not alone. There are so many of us who are travelling on this journey of hope. This is your sign to carry on. To believe that your miracle is with Allah. Trust that at the end of your journey, your reward awaits. So take every roadblock as a blessing, as a sign that you are becoming closer and closer to Him. And every time you stumble, remind yourself of the last time you fell. It was Allah who picked you up, and He's only One who will pick you up every single time you fall.


❝ I Had Closed off all avenues to Your grace,
          But then, I found myself at her doorstep, seeking solace and pace.
          And what an astonishment that You made her to heal and renew,
          So with gentle care, she led me back to You. ❞
          Salam! If you get time, check it out! You never know, you may find yourself adhering to it! 

          If you’re interested in historical fiction, this shall, God Willingly, certainly satisfy your thirst! 
          ❝ In Which The Dignified Scholar Was Lured Into The Darkness By The Devil Only To Be Moulded Into A Monsterous Killer ❞



Hi are you continuing your book, the blurb and plot is too entruging but I don't want to be left on cliffhanger.  ;(


@writing-with-hope hii. i am continuing the book. inshAllah i’ll be able to update it this saturday! apologies for the cliff hanger lol :((


Assalamualikum Readers.
          I hope this message finds you all well. I wanted to take a moment to address the recent lack of updates to my stories. Life has been quite busy lately, and I’ve fallen behind on my writing. However, I’m excited to share that my summer break has finally started, giving me the time and energy to focus on my stories once again.
          I deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Your support means the world to me, and I am committed to delivering more chapters for you to enjoy. Insha’Allah, you will see new updates more frequently now.
          Additionally, I’m thrilled to announce that I will be posting a different book soon. I’ve been working on this new project and can’t wait to share it with you all.
          In the spirit of connecting with you all, I’d love to hear about your plans for the summer! Whether you’re traveling, spending time with family, or diving into a good book, feel free to share what you’re up to.
          Thank you for your continued patience and support. Stay tuned for more exciting chapters and a brand new book coming your way soon!


‎‏عيد مبارك 
          تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ وَ مِنْكُمْ
          Eid Mubarak! ✨ May Allah preserve you and your family and accept your deeds. I hope you had a wonderful day today and by the will of Allah many more to come!
          P.S. Thanks for all your support. ❤️


@TheLostAndFoundPile Eid Mubarak to you too. Ameen. Today was quite wonderful alhamdulilah 


Oh, and quick heads up – there's a chapter update coming your way soon, and maybe even another one! So, keep an eye out for that amidst your Ramadan routine.
          And hey, don't forget, while reading is great, prioritize the Quran these nights.


Insha Allah. Super Excited ✨


@zaharatulmaria I’m going to start this inshAllah! I can’t wait! 


Hope Ramadan's treating you all well and filling your hearts with peace and blessings. Can you believe we're already in the home stretch?
          Just a friendly reminder to make the most of these last 10 nights. They're like the grand finale of this beautiful month. Let's dive deep into our prayers, reflect on our journey so far, and spread love wherever we go.
          May these nights be filled with sweetness and piety, bringing us closer to our Creator and each other.
          Ramadan Mubarak to you all!


          I'm on the lookout for my next captivating read, and I'd love to hear your suggestions. Whether it's a gripping mystery, a thought-provoking work of non-fiction, a classic novel, or even a hidden gem from a lesser-known author, I'm open to exploring a wide range of genres and themes.
          If you have any personal favorites or recent reads that left a lasting impression, I would greatly appreciate your insights and recommendations. Feel free to share any titles that you think I shouldn't miss out on, along with a brief description of why you enjoyed them.
          Thank you in advance for your help, and I look forward to discovering some wonderful new books.