
Alhamdulillah completed my first ever thriller! <3
          	Though I kinda scared myself off with my twisted thinking but hopefully that left the story with a jaw dropping effect ;)
          	Shout out to all my lovely fans for getting me through this 5month journey! ^.^


@aneesmdh Aww thank you sis!! <3
          	  Yeah I feel you, I've a heap of homework too n I'm procrastinating lol!
          	  No problem at all love :) x
          	  I'll read as soon as I get free in sha Allah <3 


How beautiful is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too?
          God never make mistakes, and God knows our capabilities more then us then who are we to deny that we cant go through something?
          We are all here for a reason, so lets find our reason and let us try to make this world a better place!
          Stay Strong 
          Take care 
          Keep smiling!


Assalamu Alaykum dear reader Zahra. Hope you're doing gr8.
          I was hoping if you'd like to read my book "HABITS OF POETS", I'll hopefully will not disappoint you. Please share your thoughts by commenting. I reply to each and every comment.


Assalamualaikum ♥♥. Your bio was great. And it still made my hair stood up when I did read your works. So wonderful. Keep it up. You don't know how you put a smile on people's faces by just your writing skill ♥♥♥.


@zahrafazal Yeah, yeah! Thank you! would mean the world if you'll follow back. Lol ✌✌✌.


@StethoscopeGirl Waalaykis salaam love! Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it <3
            I'm glad you enjoyed CIB :)


Assalamualikum, i liked ur story CIB alot, but i wish there was a revealing chapter , where we could know 1. Who was the black hooded person at jawad funeral?? 2. Who planted the doll with ifftah name n how?? 3. How Al burned the camp with maya??4. Y she killed that football guy???5. Y n how she killed her teacher??? 6. What was that jewellery clue?? 7.And a lil in site about how n y she got split personality   . Maybe through her diary or something. Jazakallah 


Assalamualykum... I read your book "caught in between" and it was a very great book MaShaaAllah.... Are you planning writing it's sequel? If yes I would love to read it...


@Midnightdreams1307 Waalaykis salaam sister, I'm so glad you enjoyed CIB!! That is very sweet of you to say love, but unfortunately I won't be having a sequel. I do have another muslim thriller coming up though, its called Blindfolds and the first five chapters are up on WP already so do check it out! <3