
Hey friends so i have updated a new story called The Battle Of Bloodlines and hoping that you all give it the same love and affection and appreciation that you gave Nandini, it will only have first three chapters on this platform so hoping you will get the best of it.


Hey friends so i have updated a new story called The Battle Of Bloodlines and hoping that you all give it the same love and affection and appreciation that you gave Nandini, it will only have first three chapters on this platform so hoping you will get the best of it.


Hey wattpaders and friends, it is Really amazing that you have kind of stuck with my first ever fiction work and gave me so much motivation and positive vibes by loving nandini and still continuing your love. I'm really grateful to each one of you and this is why I am about to ask for one last favour. I'm attaching the link for Nandini's amazon window and all i request you guys is to just click on the link and write a review about Nandini, an honest one-about how you felt while reading this story, what were you thinking when you were scrolling through every page. Your review will mean a lot to me literally.


Hey guys.. I hope you're doing fine. Its high time we have a little interaction, it has been so long and I've missed you all.
          Firstly thank you so much for loving my book nandini and giving it so much love and support.
          Secondly I'm writing a novel this time with a much more exciting concept and i can't wait to share it with you all but here is the thing I'm planning to make it big this time like an actual book in printed form.
          I'm still very new at this traditional publishing stuff and believe me everything is freaking me out but i hope to figure it out soon enough and meanwhile i was hoping for Nandini to increase its audience may be publish it on Amazon. So that I would be able to make a much better case infront of a literary agent.
          It’s all so confusing but the novel I'm writing is my dream book and i really need you support and prayers. Do comment down below and let me know what you all are thinking. 


@pinkprincess1085 hey, all the best for your exam. I'm sure you'll do great. Take care ❤️❤️


          I have written this book...I was hoping you would give it try...
          Just an overview...incase you interested....
          Like meeting new people?
          Want to promote your book?
          Do like writing reviews?
          Interested in getting honest feedback on your book?
          Would like to give undiscovered authors a chance?
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          Try this
          also, here is the link


We are looking for a paid collaboration. If you are interested can I have your. Number ? 


@priya_joshi yeah okay so i gave you my insta handle you can contact me there or you can call me on my number 


You will get paid for it 


For writing collaboration 


And guys this is going to be the last chapter of nandini and with this I'm ending the story of nandini and this story has been my baby and i learnt so much while writing it. It means alot to me that you people were there to read and support. This is the final part. Plz show all your love.


@pinkprincess1085 ❤️Thanku so much ❤️i hope the same 